Titanium Dioxide Reduction : Discover Eagacryl OP-30

Eagle Chemicals™ is one of the major manufacturers of resins, polymers, and specialty chemicals in the Middle East. Its success over the years stems from creating sustainable, economic and tailored solutions for its industrial customers. Today, Eagle Chemicals™ products are trusted in more than 80 countries around the globe. Its wide range of products includes solvent-based alkyds, acrylics, unsaturated and saturated polyesters, water-based emulsions, adhesives, and specialty chemicals.

Eagacryl OP-30 is an opaque polymer used in water base paints with benefits in cost reduction since 20-25% of Titanium Dioxide can be replaces with only 15% of our Eagacryl OP-30.

Eagacryl OP-30 gives an excellent hiding power and offers block resistance too. It has also the same density of water (1 Kg/L) so that customers can fill the pails more compared to titanium dioxide % with higher density (1.4 Kg/L).

Special Features
• Reduce TiO2 consumption
• Improves paint application and performance properties.
• Wide formulation latitude from medium to high PVC paints.
• APEO free

Get The Most Out Of EAGACRYL OP-30
• Cost saver by more than 8% while offering equal hiding.
• Offers excellent scrub resistance.
• Improved dirt resistance in exterior coatings.
• Improved block resistance for interior coatings.

For any enquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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